Short Data Files


Short Data Files contain the essential data for many study designs.



The subject ID entered manually at the start of the session or passed through another program via a command line prompt.


The condition ID entered manually at the start of the session or passed through another program via a command line prompt.


The Block ID label assigned to the trial in the input file


The Trial ID label assigned to the trial in the input file


The ordinal position of the trial in the actual session. This vary as a function of how the trials were randomized.

! Optional

If you have used Optional Fields in your input file to identify characteristics of trials they will be written after the Order column.


This is the keycode associated with the key pressed by the subject. If multiple key presses are required on a single trial (e.g., multiple instruction screens each requiring the subject hit the spacebar), this will be the code associated with the last key required.


The name associated with the key pressed by the subject (e.g., "A", "3", "SPACE").


The final stimulus presented before the reaction time was captured.


The reaction time in milliseconds.


A true or false value according to whether or not the subject's key press corresponded to the first valid key listed for that trial in the input file.

See also

Additional Fields Written to the Log Data File