

Defines the feedback events that will occur if the participant responds before the minimum response time or after the maximum response time for a given trial.


Message: Responding Before Minimum RT - This is the message that will be displayed if the participant's response is less than the minimum allowable response time set in the MinMax field of the style code for that trial.

Message: Exceeding Maximum RT - This is the message that will be displayed if the participant's response is greater than the maximum allowable response time set in the MinMax field of the style code for that trial.

Delay - This is the number of milliseconds for which the message screen will be displayed before the trials resume. Separate delays can be defined for breaking the minimum and maximum response times.

Style - This is the style setting for the feedback screen. Separate styles can be used for breaking the minimum and maximum response times.

Note that these feedback events will not occur if you set the MinMax value of the trial's style to 0.

See Also

MinMax-Setting RT Limits

About Styles and the Style Editor